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What our customers say...

We are incredibly proud of our team, and always aim to provide our customers with the very best experience.


“I was asked if I would like to be part of the Well being project, and I thought it sounded good as I wasn't sure if I was looking after myself in the best way. The project really helped me by giving me new experiences and made me care more about how I feel when I leave the house. One amazing experience was having a free salon session, I hadn't realised how much of a difference having someone care about how you look and wanting you to look your best would make. I feel so much more confident and I know much better how to help myself feel better by taking care of my body and appearance a little bit more.”  - Jan 2024

“I met Make It Happen through coming along for one of their Health Checks, and it was a wonderful experience. I felt really listened to as we had almost an hour to talk about my health in general and do all the tests. It was great to not just hear the simple facts about my health but to be able to discuss why some results might be how they were, and what kind of positive changes I might actually be able to make to keep myself healthier for longer as I get older. Amazing to be able to do this in the community, thank you”  - Feb 2024


“I usually spend Christmas on my own and don't make a big deal about it. This year I went to Place of Contribution though and I wanted to say a big thank you. The whole day was amazing, the food was great but it was the company that made it really special. It felt like a family day and it was so special to spend the time with people I know and having a good time. It was great that there was also food available to take away for some people as it felt like the Christmas spirit in real life. Can't wait for next year now!”  - Dec 2023

“Make it Happen have really helped me the last couple of years to become a little bit more digitally confident. I am dyslexic so I struggle with typing and reading on screens, but Make it Happen helped me with setting up an email when I needed one, and were there for all my questions. I really enjoy helping people to sign in to Place of Contribution now, using the ipad there and its made me feel a bit more confident greeting new people because I can help them out a bit. I also really enjoyed the photography project last year which was really fun to do with everyone, people have a lot of talent you can't see .”  - Aug 2023


"We were two refugees from Sudan, who where facing oppression from the government leaders and facing much tyranny, as well as witnessing people committing violence against others in our home country. We didn't have much when finding our way to the United Kingdom and found refuge with Wirral Change, whom are currently supporting us with housing.

Make It Happen were kind enough to gift us with some food and clothing as we came to this country with nothing. They gave us a window to have a fresh start and we're extremely thankful for this."

“I knew of Make It Happen through Amy as we used to feed the fans in the Tranmere tent over the last few years. I offered to help Make It Happen.


For the last few weeks I have been part of a WhatsApp group where Make It Happen coordinate food and donation pick ups and drop offs. Standard procedure with Amy and the team though, means you end up getting involved in a raft of other stuff. 

It's been fun and kept me active whilst things have been difficult in the community for individuals shielding and self isolating, by safely picking up donations from people, they have said things like ' taking these bags of clothes has helped sort my head out because clearing isn't fully done until it leaves the house'  and 'it's been nice to see a smile at the door and glad these are going to a good home”  - Niall, Team Member


“I was feeling tired and confused and I was not sure in which direction my life was going, one of the biggest problems for me was trying to work out what the most important things to do were and getting better sleep. Everyday I work tired and not sure of what to do next. In Make it Happen I found people to talk to and opportunities to expand the number of people I knew. I got talking to someone who took an interest in my situation and gave me examples of things I might think about that were useful and I started to feel better, almost straight away. Over time I have been able to develop these thoughts into ways to change my life so that I have a better chance of good sleep and can work out more easily what important things to do first.”  - June 2019

“I visited Make it Happen because I felt at my lowest, the weather was cold and I didn't have many spare clothing. The staff there where kind enough to gift me a pair of jeans, a coat and a hat to keep myself warm during the cold. I was overwhelmed. I knew one of the staff members as we had met previously and was aware of my situation but there was no judgement or comments just a lovely warm cuppa made for me. I'll be coming back to the shop in future to give back whenever possible.”  - Feb 2020


“Last year I felt like I was at my lowest point as I had recently come out of prison at the time. The lovely staff at Make It Happen provided me with a pair of pants that allowed me to go to my job interview, I was offered the job and now work at Queensferry. I felt that I should give back to Make It Happen and dropped off a donation for gifting me something when I needed it most and contributed changing my life.”  - Feb 2020

“I came into the shop a couple of days ago after hearing about it and was really surprised and taken aback by what the shop had to offer both food and clothing items, this is a great community asset and I was told they also run community activities which is a great source for the community to access. Members of staff were friendly and very helpful.  Well done.  I will be returning and passing on the word.”  - June 2019


“I had time on my hands, after retirement and wanted to do something useful for the community. I became interested in the work that Make it Happen was doing and applied to volunteer in the shop. The work in Make it Happen is nothing like my old job, but it is so much more satisfying, I meet lots of different people. I feel no pressure and get a sense of calm from the wonderful team that work here. I really look forward to the time that I spend at Make it Happen knowing that I am helping a community new to me and knowing that it is helping me.”  - June 2019

“When I came into the shop I was suffering with severe depression and Anxiety, I would have regular breakdowns and panic attacks to the point were I would not leave my house and rarely interact with other people. Since finding Make It Happen it’s been the perfect place for me to be when it comes to interacting with people and helping me get out and about. I’ve really come out of my shell and feel much happier now that I’ve found a place were the staff are kind and considerate despite my hardships, I have found it completely and utterly life changing as it is just the start of my journey to becoming the best I can be”  - September 2019


“I have been wandering around town and came upon Make It Happen by accident, the chap behind the till started talking to me and sounded interested in what I was doing that day. I was very lonely at that time, I had just started coming out of my house and was wondering aimlessly between shops. He gave me a cup of coffee, sat me down and had a chat with me. I felt so much better after this I came back each week to see him just show how much better I was getting. I now have much more purpose in my life and I’m thinking about volunteering to help in the shop.”  - August 2019

“I was homeless and staying at the YMCA and someone had stolen my clothes. I was able to come here, talk to people in the shop, I was made welcome and given and cuppa. They helped me with a few clothing items to get me going and later when I was in better shape I was able to give back to the shop.”  - August 2019

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