A place of space
it's all about opening space,
opening windows
and trap doors
and floors...
secret passages full of thingywotsits.
it's all about making new rooms...
kettles and couches
and pebbles and shores -
the half-seen unfolding of the soul.
your truth is the space between the lines...
Opening the space behind your eyes,
flavouring words
with the things you can see.
Harvesting the seas inside your ears,
flavouring worlds
with their tide-lights and tales -
hearing the lightning of storm clouds and whales.
it's all about shelf space,
and fridge space
and food for the week...
chill space
and play space
and think space
and be space...
doors into doors...
place into place...
Sometimes you're all about stories.
Sometimes you're all about healings.
Sometimes, your all -
it's just all about space.